Author: AuriCa

Samoyeds are the best.

It’s not dropped!

I figured I should clarify this. The menu needs updating. The Kusuriya webnovel translation has not been dropped. Well, I did drop it three years ago (hence the dropped tag), and have only just resumed mid-September this year, so it hasn’t been long. I’ll get around to editing that drop down menu one of these days.

Anyway, arc 11 is finished, and I’m nearly done with arc 12. Arc 13 does not exist yet. Done with arc 12 as well, working on arc 13 now.

If you want notifications for whenever I upload a new chapter, come join us on the discord server. The link can be found a few posts below this one–to clarify, it’s not the Reddit one. Just note that there will be open spoilers for the latest chapter of the BG manga at least for the entire server (and for their respective channels, open spoilers for the latest LN volume/WN chapter, etc), so anime-only people, beware. Although, I doubt it’d be much of an issue if you guys are here for the webnovel anyway.

Why are the new chapters not posted on Novelupdates? Arc 10 isn’t finished yet, and I’d rather not deal with scrapers and stuff like I did in the past.

Also, arcs 1 to 8 have been taken down from creative novels since the LN equivalents have been published. Arc 9 is the last one left on that site, and will be nuked the moment LN11 is released.

For people wondering about arc 10, you can find it here. Duchess is translating that one. It’s not finished yet. She’s up to chapter 27 out of 35, but will be resuming soon enough. (I’m not counting the MTL’d chapters that had somehow found its way onto Novelupdates.)

People who are directly jumping in from the latest published LN translation (LN9), you can continue from arc 9, which is equivalent to LN10 and LN11. Arc 10 is LN12, Arc 11 is LN13, and Arc 12 is LN14. There will be some differences, of course–not as drastic as the earlier arcs, but there is notably less romance in the WN. LN scenes tend to be more fleshed out as well. (Also, I don’t have anyone editing my translations, so I apologise if it’s not as polished as the officials are.)

Hopefully, this clears up most of the questions people have been asking.

Edit: Wow, it’s been a while since I last made a post on this site.

Edit 2: I eat my words. Arc 13 begins.

LN11 releases on April 30!

Way sooner than expected! And this should be roughly equivalent to the latter half of arc 9 of the webnovel version 🙂

There’s also a limited edition that comes bundled with another drama CD.
It comes with three tracks:

1) Jade Palace Girls Talk

Maomao is having afternoon tea with Jade Palace attendants Infa, Gui’en and Airan. Gui’en sparks a girls talk session by asking, “Was there anyone good at the garden party?”

2/3) The Mystery of the Sake Bottle

Maomao had been dismissed from being a palace lady at the inner palace and is now employed as Jinshi’s personal attendant. She heads to the pleasure district with Jinshi and Gaoshun in tow, going after the mystery of the broken sake bottle that had been left behind by an enigmatic person at the side of a well at dawn. And there, she comes across…?!


Maomao: Yuuki Aoi
Jinshi: Takahiro Sakurai
Gaoshun: Tsuda Kenjirou
Rihaku: Takumi Yasuaki
Rahan: Kobayashi Chiaki
Quack Doctor: Ogata Mitsuru
Infa: Kamiyou Saeko
Gui’en: Moriya Kyouka
Airan: Kawano Mari
Suiren/Honnyan: Nitta Kyousuke
Owner of Kujaku Brothel: Nakano Taisuke
A kamuro: Tadano Akari

On a side note, yes, the webnovel has resumed. There are currently four chapters out as of today. It looks like we’ll be looking into who will be succeeding as the next leader of the western capital. Will it be Gyoku’ou’s second son or his third son? Shall we cast lots? What is the prodigal first son up to, anyways?

The continuation of the translation has been picked up by Duchess. You can find it here: or on the kusuriya discord server.

…There’s actually a lot of things happening on discord, so do come visit when you can!

Also, if you’re wondering what I’m up to, I’m part of the scanlation team that working on the GX version of the manga. I’m still around, for better or worse hahahahaha

Volume 1 of the LN releases today!

You can find it in pretty much at any place that sells ebooks of English translated light novels 😀

Technically it’s another eight hours or so from now due to timezone differences, but I’ve no time to do all this when it is actually released in the US, so now’s the time, I guess.

Well, this is it, guys.

The light novel version of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (Apothecary diaries) has been licensed by J-novel Club, and so, with the release of the first volume today (February 14th 2021), the first volume/arc of this translation will be taken down today per J-novel club’s request.

It feels a bit bittersweet having worked on this project for so long, but it is what it is. The next volume will be taken down when the next official LN is published.  

Thanks for reading!

LN volume 10

So, the author just revealed on twitter. Released end of January next year.

Such a beautiful cover. Maomao looks so cool (。◕ˇдˇ​◕。)/

I can’t wait.


I’m sure most of you would have already heard the news by now, but the Kusuriya LN has been licensed!

You can find it here:

So what does that mean for the fanTL? Nothing much. We’ve essentially caught up with the raws (after I release the last chapter on Monday) so we’re at a nice stopping point with no danger of cliff hangers and sudden drop offs. It just means I won’t be picking up the next arc once it resumes some time next year. Thank you for reading my translation of the web novel; it was nice sharing it with you all 🙂

Will I be taking down the translations? Not sure yet, but I’ll definitely be taking down the LN snippets later today.

It’s been a while

How is everyone? I was planning to get the LN9 stuff over and done with before I start on the next WN arc, especially since arc 9 is essentially LN10 territory. So it took a while, but here we are.

Same as before, you can find the prologue under the relevant illustration. And yes, the illustrations are up too!

As for Koukyuu no Karasu, I uploaded part 1 and 2 of the first story. Part 2 is only about 50% done. I’ll get back to translating this, eventually. There was this one paragraph that people might find a bit gory (describing a ghost). Also, do note that it hasn’t been edited. Let me know what you guys think about it 🙂

Now that my backlog has been decreased somewhat…

I’ll resume the WN next week. There’s currently 13 chapters to catch up on. I think I’ll drop a chapter every Friday or something. You guys fine with that?

Busy busy busy

Yes, I know LN9 has been released. Yes, I know the WN has resumed (two new chapters atm). I’ll get around to them soon enough when I have time on my hands this month. I still need to update some of the chapters that have been edited over the time I took a break. The supposed last chapter of the previous arc is now the first chapter of the new arc too. I’ll get them all fixed soon enough. Hopefully, all this should be done by the end of next week.

Also, I got lazy and the karasu novel teaser is only halfway done, so idk when that’ll be finished. Eventually.

It has been a good break. Actually got some good progress with breath of the wild xD

KnH Volume 9 and Drama CD details

Chue and Maomao on the cover this time

So this will be released on 28th February next year, and there will also be a drama CD. No idea about the digital copy yet though.

The voice actors for the drama CD are:
Maomao – Aoi Yuuki
Jinshi – Sakurai Takahiro
Gaoshun – Tsuda Kenjiro
Consort Gyokuyou – Hikasa Youko
Quack Doctor – Ogata Mitsuru
Kyoukyou – Hino Mari

The scenario is written for the drama CD, and so is unrelated to the main story. The synopsis is as follows:

Beifan (佩芳, Pei Fang), a middle ranking consort of the late emperor with a musical talent. The consort, who was bedridden due to longstanding illness, had left behind a final request stating that she wished to pass her final musical composition down to a certain someone, but passed away without revealing their identity. With the inheritor unknown, the deceased cannot rest in peace either.
And so, Maomao, summoned to the Jade Palace and ordered to investigate by Jinshi, was once again embroiled in yet another bothersome matter.
The person who came to greet Maomao when the latter went to investigate Beifan’s palace, was the late consort’s head maid, Kyoukyou (嬌嬌, Jiao Jiao).
They analyse the musical score that was left behind to guess the inheritor, but—

Sounds fun.
